'========================================================================== ' ' VBScript: AUTHOR: Ed Wilson , MS, 3/5/2006 ' ' NAME: DisplayComputerNames.vbs ' ' COMMENT: Key concepts are listed below: '1.Uses the WshSHell object to get access to regRead method. The WshShell Is '2.Created when we use createObject("WScript.Shell") '3.Note the use of line concatenation and continuation here. & _ '========================================================================== Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Dim objShell Dim regActiveComputerName, regComputerName, regHostname Dim ActiveComputerName, ComputerName, Hostname regActiveComputerName = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet" &_ "\Control\ComputerName\ActiveComputerName\ComputerName" regComputerName = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control" &_ "\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName" regHostname = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services" &_ "\Tcpip\Parameters\Hostname" Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ActiveComputerName = objShell.RegRead(regActiveComputerName) ComputerName = objShell.RegRead(regComputerName) Hostname = objShell.RegRead(regHostname) WScript.Echo "Active computer name: " & ActiveComputerName WScript.Echo "Computer name : " & ComputerName WScript.Echo "Host name : " & Hostname Wscript.Quit