'========================================================================== ' ' VBScript Source File -- Created with SAPIEN Technologies PrimalSCRIPT(TM) ' ' NAME: ' ' AUTHOR: Ed Wilson , MS ' DATE : 4/17/2006 'ver. 1.2. Cleaned up code, added comments, and renamed some variables. ' COMMENT: '1.Displays the class name associated with an SWbemPath object '========================================================================== Option Explicit Dim strcomputer 'target computer Dim wmiNS 'wmi namespace Dim objwmiService 'SwbemServices object. The connection into WMI Dim colClasses 'sWbemObject set object. A collection of items Dim objClass 'sWbemObject. An item in colClasses Dim strOUT 'output of all items strComputer = "." wmiNS = "\root\cimv2" 'must precede namespace with \ Set objwmiService = _ GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & wmiNS) Set colClasses = objwmiService.SubclassesOf() For Each objClass In colClasses strOUT = strOUT & objClass.Path_.class & vbcrlf Next WScript.Echo funline("There are " & colClasses.count & " classes" &_ " in the " & wmiNS & " namespace") WScript.Echo strOUT ' *** function below *** Function funline(strIn) funline = Len(strIN)+1 funline = strIN & VbCrLf & String(funLine,"=") End Function