'========================================================================== ' ' VBScript Source File -- Created with SAPIEN Technologies PrimalSCRIPT(TM) ' ' NAME: ' ' AUTHOR: ed wilson , mred ' DATE : 9/17/2003 ' ' COMMENT: ' Make sure the script has a path to the csv file. ' Also make sure you run this script under CSCRIPT. '========================================================================== Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Dim arrTxtArray() Dim appLog Dim SearchString Dim objTextFile Dim strNextLine Dim intSize Dim objFSO Dim i Dim ErrorString Dim newArray intSize = 0 appLog = "applog.csv" 'Ensure in path SearchString = "," ErrorString = "1004" Const ForReading = 1 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _ (appLog, ForReading) Do until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline if InStr (strNextLine, SearchString)Then If InStr (strNextLine, ErrorString) then ReDim Preserve arrTxtArray(intSize) arrTxtArray(intSize) = strNextLine intSize = intSize + 1 End if End if Loop objTextFile.close For i = LBound(arrTxtArray) To UBound(arrTxtArray) If InStr (arrTxtArray(i), ",") Then newArray = Split (arrTxtArray(i), ",") WScript.Echo "Date: " & newArray(0) WScript.Echo "Time: " & newArray(1) WScript.Echo "Source: " & newArray(2)& " "& newArray(3) WScript.Echo "Server: " & newArray(7) WScript.Echo "Message1: " & newArray(8) WScript.Echo "Message2: " & newArray(9) WScript.Echo "Message3: " & newArray(10) WScript.Echo " " End if Next WScript.Echo("all done")