'========================================================================== ' ' VBScript: AUTHOR: Ed Wilson , MS, 3/12/2006 ' ' NAME: ' ' COMMENT: Key concepts are listed below: '1.Uses FileSystemObject to open and read a text file '2.Uses do Until to loop to the end of the file '3. Uses instr to look for a pattern match. '========================================================================== Option Explicit 'On Error Resume Next Dim strError Dim objFSO Dim objFile Dim strLine Dim intResult CONST ForReading = 1 strError = "error" Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\windows\setuplog.txt", ForReading) strLine = objFile.ReadLine Do Until objFile.AtEndofStream strLine = objFile.ReadLine intResult = InStr(strLine, strError) If intResult <>0 Then WScript.Echo(strLine) End if Loop WScript.Echo("all done") objFile.Close