'========================================================================== ' ' ' NAME: ' ' AUTHOR: Ed Wilson , MS ' DATE : 7/26/2005 ' ' COMMENT: '1. Uses GetObjectText_ method to return properties and values '2. Uses a function to Fix up the computer name for the get command '========================================================================== Option Explicit 'On Error Resume Next dim strComputer dim wmiNS dim wmiQuery dim objWMIService dim colItems dim objItem strComputer = "London" 'name of the target computer system. wmiNS = "\root\cimv2" wmiQuery = "win32_ComputerSystem.name=" & funFix(strComputer) Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & wmiNS) Set objItem = objWMIService.get(wmiQuery) WScript.Echo myFun(wmiQuery) & objItem.getObjectText_ Function myFun(input) Dim lstr lstr = Len(input) myFun = input & vbcrlf & string(lstr,"=") End Function Function funFix(strIN) 'computer name needs single ' funFix = "'" & strIN & "'" End function